How Payment Links Work (Part 1)

With Okra you can send your customer a link to pay online for anything, with a single tap! No more manual invoices or external payment machines, just use your phone to collect your money quickly.

Okra Links is an extremely simple way to request a payment. Instantly generate a link, then send it via SMS or email to your customer. They click the link and pay online via the Okra Widget.

Getting Started

You can create a payment link in two ways via the Dashboard or via our API.
In the first part of this tutorial, I’ll walk you through how you can seamlessly create a payment link from the Dashboard.


This tutorial assumes you’ve already created an account with Okra, If you haven’t, kindly take a pause at this phase and create one. To get you started with Okra in 5 minutes, check out our Onboarding tutorial.

After a successful login to your dash, click on Payment on the side nav otherwise, click here to get to the page. Next, click on the “Add a new payment link” to proceed.

Select “Payment Link” on the sub-menu and click on the continue button to proceed.

Select the type of payment link
There are three payment links; we have the one-time payment link, the recurring payment link, and the future payment authorization but in this tutorial we will explain how the one-time payment link works.

Complete the form by entering the Payment link name, amount to be paid, and a note.

You could also include the direct email address or the WhatsApp-enabled number you want the payment link sent to. You could also specify form fields to collect specific data.

With these steps, you can successfully create a payment link for your customers, and start receiving payments from anybody by simply sending a link.
To get started, signup here and create a payment link today!

A good place to check other cool stuff is our docs, and if you are passionate about open finance, you definitely should visit our website, to see other services that might be appealing to you.

Contact sales or send an email to to get started!